Empowering Development Teams With DevOps as a Service.
DevOps—Done Right the First Time, Every Time. Transparent, Seamless, Scalable, and Affordable.
Secure, Collaborative, Proactive DevOps as a Service. No More wasted Development Cycles.
You need to stay ahead of your competition. Don’t waste invaluable development cycles while you’re trying to hire a DevOps engineer. Utilize Ayont DaaS as an interim strategy while you search for the perfect candidate. We’ll even help you find the right DevOps FTE and train them in the environment, if direct-hire is your long-term goal. In the interim, we’ll make the DevOps process transparent, seamless, and scalable
AWS DevOps as a Service
- End-toEnd DevOps as a Managed Service—Starting at $2995/month
- Full CI/CD Pipeline Build and Management
- Team Collaboration, Including Participation in Standups as Necessary
- BYOT (Bring Your Own Toolchain) or We’ll Recommend the Tools You Need to Deploy Software Ahead of Your Competition
AWS Managed Cloud Services (Everything as a Service)
- AWS Well-Architected Review
- Core Infrastructure Build and Management as a Service
- Serverless Computing
- Managed Containers
- Data and System Migration
- Data Management (Backup, DR, etc.)
Managed AWS Migration Services
- Migrate Applications and Storage to AWS
- Database Transformation/Migration
- Managed AD, IdP, RBAC Implementation
- Windows and VM Migrations
Is the lack of a comprehensive DevOps strategy holding your dev team back? Are you missing software deployment goals? Do you need a DevOps transition strategy while you look for a full-time DevOps engineer? At Ayont, we’re here to help. It’s time time to optimize your software development lifecycle with DevOps as a Service. We work with software development companies to implement and manage development pipelines, end-to-end.
As a client, your designated team will work directly with an Ayont DevOps engineer member who brings 20 to 30 years of IT experience to the table, including 5-7 years of immersive AWS DevOps experience. This means you’ll get personalized service, from a DevOps engineer who understands your SDLC objectives and knows how to get you there. There is no off-shoring or call banks, ever. You’ll have a dedicated, U.S.-based, go-to DevOps resource.
In the software development business, where senior DevOps expertise is in short supply, the Ayont team will keep your dev team stay on track deploying the error-free software you need to stay light years ahead of your competition. Leading-edge DevOps best practices and methodologies are at the heart of everything we do.